Hello, My Name Is

My major is marketing.  My passion is sightseeing and traveling. I’m not just a name on a paper, or another name on an applicant list.  I’m a person, a young female, who loves to explore new cities, as well as the incredible one that I live in now.  I have a Twitter account, @Klprice9 and I tweet about what I’m thinking and excited about, as well as building my personal brand.


I Am Not Just A Name on Paper

I am not just a name on a resumé, with my skills and experience listed below.  I have interests and a social life outside of school/jobs.  My E- Marketing teacher, Dr. Todd Bacile  (@toddbacile) describes in his blog post, that engaging in social media  requires more than just communicating with friends; it takes writing skills as well and the ability to communicate effectively.  I choose to use Twitter as my main social media outlet to help describe who I am and my lifestyle.


Kari Price: A Name Brand

Building a personal brand is so vital, and in my opinion, Twitter is the most interactive way to showcase that.  I’m not just networking, I’m social networking. Forbes provides a great article that offers a checklist to make sure the user is being “authentic” and ensuring a successful brand image.  Companies that are looking to hire employees want to see something that stands out, and adding a name to a face will help.

What Not to Do

If a user is Tweeting and posting to Facebook, they might think that they are building their brand. And they are, but there are do’s and don’ts to posting content.  Mashable has an article that describes how to avoid wrecking  a personal brand.  It might seem easy, but being careful and professional, while still being a human, is key to the success of humanizing yourself on social media.

Still Uneasy?

After the given articles and advice still makes a user unsure of if they are making a sound personal profile, then just being cautious on what they are posting will help.  Is what they are about to post something they would say to strangers face-to-face? If not, then don’t post.  Mashable has a more detailed article on ways to ensure a personal brand is on the right track of being professional, yet personal.

All in all, staying relevant and active on social media will help any applicant stay in the tight game of applying for jobs, and there are many resources out there to help users to achieve it.

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